Virtual Talks

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My virtual talks integrate Google Slides, Zoom, and Slido real-time polling to create engaging experiences with consistently high Net Promoter Survey scores. Click on the title to watch the video, or the NPS link to read the audience feedback. The fee for my one-hour virtual talks is $10,000 US and my virtual, two-hour Product Strategy Workshop is $15,000.

Here are my one-hour talks, loosely prioritized from most to least popular:

  • “Netflix’s Customer Obsession” focuses on the DHM strategy model (delighting customers in hard-to-copy, margin-enhancing ways) and how Netflix paired this model with consumer science and its focus on four sources of data— qualitative, survey, existing, and A/B tests— to create highly personalized experiences for its members.

  • "Netflix’s 2022 Product Strategy" outlines three product strategy frameworks and then applies them to two modern-day Netflix cases. (NPS of 73.) Here’s the same talk presented in Sweden.

  • “Netflix: Wicked Hard Decisions” is about the tough decisions Netflix faced as it went from startup to 225 million members. This talk focuses on how culture, consumer science, and product strategy helped the company to navigate lots of tough decisions. (NPS of 75)

  • “How Netflix Built a World-Class Culture.” Highly innovative companies align three forces: 1. Strategy (a plan), 2, Consumer Science (experimentation), and 3. Culture (an “operating system” for how employees work together without suffocating rules and processes). This talk describes why company culture is so critical as it gives leaders tools to define, edit and live their company’s unique culture. (NPS of 75.)

  • “Hacking Your Product Leader Career” encourages product leaders to think of themselves as a product and to take a hypothesis-driven approach to their career development. It also outlines important skills for product leaders, including leadership skills as they grow. Last it details how to build a “Personal Board of Directors” to guide your career. (NPS of 74.)

My other popular virtual talk is my 2-hour Product Strategy Workshop:

  • This talk introduces four product strategy models, demonstrates how these models apply to Netflix today, and then simulates a 45-minute Netflix quarterly product strategy meeting with 2-3 modern-day “What should Netflix do?” cases. These two cases encourage the audience to ask questions, debate, then make a decision about key strategic decisions the company faces today. It’s a lot of fun, and I can handle audiences from 10 to 500 people. Learn more about my two-hour product strategy workshop here.

Click here for more info about each talk, or for materials to promote a webinar.